Sunday, March 25, 2012

Playing Favorites

Its been a while!  I haven't been neglecting you, dear blog, its just that I have nothing to write about these days.  I have been consumed with cell phone games, namely Draw Something and Words With Friends.  Yes, those games are more addicting than ice cream! 

First things first, Let me say Happy 2nd Birthday to my blog!  The celebration, or lack thereof, happened just a few days ago.  That momentous event did not go unnoticed by me, but again, I was too busy trying to draw a frog with my finger on my cell phone.  So, Happy Birthday!

This post is not about not blogging, however.  Nor is it a post about my innumerable obsessions.  Instead it is about my CATS!  After all, what else is there to talk about when nothing much is going on, right?

Tino is most definitely my favorite cat.  Most "parents" don't admit they have a favorite, but I certainly don't hid that fact.  I hope my other two cats don't notice the extra food in Tino's dish everyday or get jealous when they hear me utter "I Wuv you" all day long to my best buddy.  But believe it or not, this isn't about him either.  Nor is it about Milo, a favorite among many friends and family members because of his squishy face and gentle soul.

Nope, this time it is about Muffy.  She is nobody's favorite.  Don't get me wrong, I love her dearly; its just that her annoying habits are, well.....annoying.  She licks at my bare skin, she claws on the furniture, and she chews cords. 

Most of my cords in the house do have cord protectors around them, but this morning she found a bare cord to sink her teeth into.  Don't worry, she didn't get electrocuted or anything (but would anybody really care if she did?).  Oh, I would care deeply; I just don't think "outsiders" would give a rip.

So this morning she was chewing away, and I was annoyed.  I kicked my laundry basket at her in hopes of scaring her away from the outlet, which did work.  However, it also hit Muffy which startled her and possibly hurt her a bit.  She walked away from that outlet, turned her little orange head towards me, and uttered a "fuck you" meow like no other.

I felt bad because my intention was not to hurt her.  Well, she was pissed.  She was so pissed that she didn't come running like she always does when I poured my cereal.  Rather, she was hiding out behind my chair peeking at me with cat squinty eyes.  Booring guilt into my soul.  Immediately I apologized and walked over to pick her up for some "I'm Sorry" snuggles.  But she ran away from me!!  She ran downstairs.  The ultimate shove off. 

Tears welled up in my eyes thinking she was going to hate me forever.  I had to leave for work and spent most of the day fretting over what I would come home to.  Afraid maybe she pulled some cat shenanigans like barf on my bed or pee in my clothes.  Or worse yet, that she would run away when she saw me.

None of that was so.  In fact, as I am writing this, she is snuggled up on my lap purring.  Maybe we both learned a lesson today, but I am afraid she will return to chewing on cords in no time.  And, look, she got a whole blog post about her!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to drawing with my finger.