Sunday, September 8, 2013

Miss Efficiency

Just call me Miss Efficient (or maybe Miss be the judge).  At least I try to be (efficient, not ADHD).  I remember how the powers that be at Target drilled efficiency into the heads of us cashiers.  It would be safe to say I was productive even before this, but all of that training reinforced what I already felt in the core of my soul.

The older I get, the more skilled I am becoming at being efficient.  And skilled I am.  I'm so proficient that I can watch a 2 hour movie in about 1/2 hour!  Tip number one at "movie efficiency":  Fast forward all the boring or non important parts.  For example, who needs to watch a chase scene in real time?  You can just as easily see what is going on in the scene in fast forward.  Generally there is no dialogue so you don't miss any key plot points.  In fact, one could argue, that watching a chase scene in fast forward is EVEN faster; therefore, it is also more exciting.  Plus you shave about 3-5 minutes off the time of the film!  Brilliant.

Tip number two:  Fast forward fight scenes and running scenes:  For the same reasons mentioned above.

Tip number three:  Fast forward any scene involving no dialogue where a person is just standing there, a song is playing, or someone is searching for something.  You can make a "slow" movie, not so slow and again, you shave precious minutes off the film time.

Tip number four:  Fast forward any movie that you may not enjoy, but you want to see how it ends.  Or perhaps you want to be familiar with only certain scenes for pop culture reasons.  Last night I did just that.  I watched the first 5 minute opening of the film, fast forwarded the entire middle part, and watched the final 5 minutes.  That is a whole 10 minutes of movie watching, and yet, I know exactly enough of what happened in the movie that I feel confident I don't want to watch the entire film.

Not all movies are fast forward-able.  I get that and respect that.  Only those worthy of being fast forwarded will be sped up.

Now the question remains:  efficient or attention deficit?

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