Wednesday, January 29, 2014

And Even More Signs

In addition to all the animal signs that have been showing up, my mom's name has been an ever prevalent force in my life since her passing.  Its incredible all the signs that I am experiencing.  My mom's name IS Charlotte (I almost typed "was Charlotte", but then I realized that my mom's name will always be Charlotte.  her name IS Charlotte!).

The first book I read following my mom's death, the names Charlotte and Doris were mentioned obscurely on one page of the book.  My aunt's name is Doris and my mom and aunt were two of the best friends ever.

Another book.  Another mention of the name Charlotte.  Again, just a random mention of someone who has nothing to do with the story on one random page.  Just popped up in the reading.

My current book has a mom named Charlotte.  This time a main character in the story.

Then I was surfing the web and came across a story about a little girl named Charlotte.

Just last week, I walked into work and there on the table was a whole bunch of books that were donated to the kids.  The most prominent book, the one facing me, the one on top....."Charlotte's Web".

Then the one moment that brought be to tears.  A very spontaneous trip happened to fall into my lap.  I'm heading to Florida in just 2 weeks to Cape Coral where I will be renting a house belonging to a coworker of mine.  While researching the area, I discover there is a Charlotte Harbor there and I happen to know there exists a "Holmes Beach" as well.

All of this coupled with all of those animals signs is way beyond coincidental.  Way beyond.

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