Sunday, July 7, 2024

Low Key 4th

 Fourth of July 2024 was quite low key, but oh so fun.  We started our celebration by taking a trip up the North Shore with our pup on July 3rd.  It was extra special because I was able to score the day off on very short notice.  The perks of a non union job!  The 3rd was a hot and sunny day so we took advantage and decided to go to Gooseberry Falls.  Despite it being packed with people, we felt like we were the only ones there as we ventured on the Path Less we often do.  It was a path we had never been on before and the only down side was that it was hot and sunny with very little shade coverage.  Though it was only a short trail just over a mile long, we were a little concerned that it was too too hot for  Meeka.  She is a trooper though and did just fine.  

  Afterwards we did venture to where the people were, but only for a short walk through so our dog could see the gushing falls.  Having Meeka along sure does cause people to comment or make conversation, something neither Amy nor I really appreciate.  This deemed true for the possibly drunk gentleman who had to tell us all about his two dogs that he lost.  After painfully listening to him mumble for a few minutes, we were able to disengage and go about our day rather quickly.

Next up was a beautiful picnic on the rock tops looking down over the ever so beautiful Lake Superior with our signature egg salad sandwiches.  It was a perfect way to spend the day with the two living beings I adore more than anything in the world.  

The 4th of July proper was spent at home just being and enjoying the comforts of each other and our own home.   We did head to a new trail system just a few miles from home.  It was hot, cloudy, beautiful and void of all humans other than us.  To me, it felt like a beach walk in a foreign land. 

After enjoying our yard, we decided to chill out and watch a fun "comedy/adventure" movie!  The movie  choice was "Captain Fantastic", and though it was a good movie, it was no comedy adventure I tell you what.  Instead it was a heavy, thought provoking and philosophical movie that wasn't quite the feel we were aiming for.  Still, being with my lady on the 4th no matter what we are doing is exactly what I want to be doing.  We opted not to battle the 4th of July crowds to see fireworks this year, and instead watched them on our gigantic TV on live stream in the comfort of our pajamas.  

Our celebration did not stop there.  On the 5th, we went to a farmer's market in the morning followed by a lovely kayak in the early evening.  We are now able to kayak right from our backyard right to the river.  Some might have called us foolish for venturing out with the sound of looming thunder in the background, but venture out we did.   And I am glad we did as our excursion started with a glorious rainbow!  We paddled into that rainbow for quite a while before making our way back upstream with sights of muskrats, beavers, and eagles.  

We struggle to stay awake past 10 PM these days, but on July 5th, we went for a 10:00 walk with our dog down to the river to catch fireworks that Mont Du Lac was shooting off.  We were hoping nobody else would be at the pier so we could be selfish and watch the display all by ourselves.  As luck would have it, the folks who were there just before us all left just in time for us to have the pier all to ourselves while watching the quaint firework display right here in our own backyard.  We were impressed with our pup who did not bat an eye at the sounds and sights of the 4th of July.  

From Gooseberry Falls to our neighborhood fishing pier, we spent a lovely, low key holiday together.  And though there were people all around, it felt as though it was just me, my dog, and my lady.  No place I would rather be in this whole world.   My heart is full.   

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