Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Sacrifices We Make

 If you allow your furry companion to sleep in your bed, you know all too well the sacrifice you make for your own comfort all in an effort to not disturb your sleeping pet.  You know what I am talking about.  We consciously twist our bodies in all sorts of awkward positions in all hours of the night.  Ya know, the knee-chest-flip maneuver where you bring your knees carefully up to your chest, flip over, and return your legs to their original position.  All with the precision of a brain surgeon. 

My cats sleep with me, and I sacrifice my own comfort almost every night.  I have been too hot.  Not able willing to throw off my covers because the cats are tucked up all nice and warm.  I have been too cold.  Not able to pull my blankets up because the cats are sleeping soundly on the corner of the warm blanket.  I have held my bladder so as not to disturb all the kitty dream taking place around me.  And I have perfected the knee-chest-flip maneuver and perform it almost every night. 

And what would happen, God forbid, if one of the cats woke up?  Likely, they would open their sleepy eyes, look at me through their half open slits, yawn, and go back to sleep.  Or perhaps they would relocate, get comfy again, and return to their slumber.  Maybe, just maybe, if they are pissed off enough, they may jump off the bed and sleep elsewhere for awhile. 

They certainly don't show me the same courtesy when, at 5 AM, Tino is walking all over me, pulling my hair, stepping on my face, or performing one of his many antics.  Funny even at 5 AM.  From time to time, Milo will attack my foot, and when I move it away from him, he thinks its a game and attacks it even more.  Thankfully, I have broken Muffin of her constant licking my exposed skin or hair, but she reverts back to those old habits every now and again.  No, they don't have respect for my comfort when I am sleeping. 

So tonight when I snuggle under my covers, I just may be a meanie, and NOT do the knee-chest-flip trick.  Yeah, right.  I'll be doing that trick until my hips don't allow it.

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