Monday, April 4, 2011

Why I am Going to Make a Horrible Roommate When I Enter the Nursing Home

OK, I have learned my lesson:  be careful what you wish for.  I will never again wish to be sick.  After about two weeks of generalized not feeling well, I finally got knocked on my ass for four days in a row.  My throat is on fire, and you could play connect the dots with all the white puss sacs on my tonsils.  Well, you could if I didn't gag which is exactly what I did when I went at those white pustules with a Q-tip drenched in Peroxide. 

Oh, I did go to the Doctor.  Urgent care in fact.  Those who know me, know I don't go to the doctor unless I really have to, and I seldom have to.  The rapid and culture came back negative for strep throat which was so disappointing for me.  I wanted to be positive for strep in the worst way.  That may sound a bit odd, but had it been positive for strep, I would have been prescribed antibiotics.  Instead my prescription is "drink lots of fluids and rest".  They say its viral so no meds can help it.  Meanwhile my temperature is all over the map, my throat is swollen (and red with white polka dots), and I simply don't feel well. 
I am a very vocal ill person.  A good portion of my night is whimpering and whining.  My cats are putting up with it for now, but I'm afraid the poor sucker in the future who has to be my roommate in the nursing home someday may not be quite as tolerant.  In between whimpers last night, I coughed up phlegm and mucus so maybe I just need to keep doing that until all the infection is gone.  Gross I know.  Twice now, I have produced impressive,quarter sized bloody mucus globules.

Good news is that I got to use up one sick day at work.  One legitimate, quilt free sick day.  Bad news is, I have been sick every day of my 5 days off.  Super sucky.  I have decided that I am done being sick today at 3:30.  I have had it.  Enough is enough.  I don't want to be sick anymore, and maybe if I act well, I will slowly start to feel well.  For the first time in 5 days, I got dressed in real clothes (as opposed to pjs), ran an errand, and am not laying down on the couch today. 

The errand I ran was to fetch me some more Kleenex and DayQuil.  I have never before had DayQuil, but I had to try something.  I was excited to come home and take my first dose.  That shit is NASTY!  I almost vomited it all up, but I managed to get it down, and I think it may have helped.  It was either the DayQuil or the phlegm removal that has been taking place most of the night and morning. 

Aside from one day, the weather has made it easy to be sick.  Rainy, windy, and gloomy.  Today is no exception so I'll go gargle with some salt water, wrap up with a blankie in the chair (not the couch!), and drink me my fluids.

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