Sunday, November 27, 2011

Feeling the Spirit

Pissed as I am about having to work on yet another Christmas, I keep reminding myself how unforgettable last year's Christmas was which eases the amount of anger even if for a little while.  As an act of rebellion, I vowed to not put up my tree or any decorations.  That would sure show them!  Besides that, it somehow seems pointless to put up a present-less tree for the cats. They just undecorate it and chew on the power cords anyway. Its just a bunch of unnecessary work putting up a gawdy tree in a teeny tiny living room.  So no tree or lights for me this year.

Then something happened after listening to some Christmas songs on the radio (Little Drummer Boy, anyone?)  Perhaps like the Grinch, my "heart grew three sizes" after hearing that song, but the spirit came over me. 

The Spirit of Christmas and the Spirit of Elf.  Yes, Elf.  Its time for my annual Elf party on Tuesday.  Usually I like to decorate for my buddies to help us get into the Spirit of Elf.  I was going to consider not decorating, but I am just so excited to host Elf that I decided to decorate! 

First, it was just going to be lights.  Then, I figured "what the hell" and got out the tree.  Then the ornaments.  Then the shelf of snowmen and Santas.  Yes, it looks a little like Will Ferrel vomited Christmas in here :)

 I am more excited for Elf Night than I am for Christmas, so why NOT decorate?  Yet another newcomer will be making an appearance making the grand count at 5 humans, 3 felines, and one overgrown Elf.
Tino had to help me decorate :)

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