Monday, October 11, 2010

Winning the Battle (But Losing the War).

Have you ever tried weaning a baby off the boob or bottle? You know how at first they cry and whine incessantly enough to drive the mom to pull her own hair out, throw up her arms in defeat, and just give that darn bottle or boob back to the sobbing child making him/her shut up for just a little while? Well, I have no idea what that is like. But, I do know what it is like to wean a cat off canned cat food. I imagine its quite similar if not identical.

Ever since Punky died, I have been trying to wean Tino off of his dependence on moist cat food. He eats the dry stuff, but would sneak bites of Punkin's delicacy from time to time. Tino has turned into a chattering, pestering...pest. So I caved. He now gets a little morsel of a treat sometime in the afternoon. Every day.

The genius in me refuses to give him a snack in the morning because Tino is wise to that, and will go through any and all measures to wake me up causing me to exit my warm bed to feed his sorry ass. In another stroke of genius, I refuse to feed him upon immediately entering my house from wherever I have just been, making his snack time generally unpredictable. Not so genius.

Instead of pestering me just around a certain snack time, Tino pesters me All. Day. Long. Following me around, rolling around all cute on his back, chattering away, running to his dish. UGH! I will not cave though. He may have won the war, but I will win every small battle. Only because he is so freaking adorable even when he is a big pest. Little does he know that when he is trying to "bother" me, he is actually entertaining me, bringing laughter and smiles to my face All. Day. Long.

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