Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dreaming my Dreams with You.

I dream frequently, and I almost always remember them.  Not for a while have I had a recurring dream, but lately, I have had the recurring theme of basements finding their way into my slumber.

Because it is so present in my dreams lately, I have been doing some searching into what the basement symbolizes.  Come to find out, it symbolizes your inner core, your foundation, your subconscious.  Its often associated with negative thoughts or feelings about yourself, bottled up feelings , resentment, or sensitivity.  Though those descriptions do fit from time to time, I am not convinced that the basement represents that for me.  

All of the dreams in my "research" features the dark and dingy basement, but my dream basements are often pleasing with flowers and bright lighting.  They are always very large with maze like turns and corners.  They seem to go on for an eternity.  A surprise is always waiting, and usually the surprise is a pleasant one.  The surprise it holds could be a room that I rediscovered as being my favorite to having an endless supply of toothpaste (hey, I have no control over it; it is a dream, after all).  

 Last night I had yet another basement dream, though the basement this time was an unpleasant one, complete with mice and leaking water.  What does it all mean?  Last night's dream could be explained by some of those negative emotions mentioned above, but what about my other dreams?

 Am I that complex at my core?  I'm a pretty simple girl and have always had a good sense of who I am and what I believe.  I am a little preoccupied with finding the hidden meaning of these ever present basements.  I'm convinced, though, that whatever it is, is positive.  Not only positive, but also profound.  I just have to figure it out. 

If you have a suggestion, leave me a comment :)


  1. I think your basement dreams mean you have a solid foundation that yet has pleasant surprises. Things occasionally get leaky, but no need for major renovation. Just get a bucket and a mop, then head out for tea. :o)

  2. ....and I'd rather head out for ice cream, silly.
