Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nature's Song

Music is not a part of my soul like it is with so many of my friends, and so much of the world.  I dig music, alright; I just don't need it.  More ingrained in my soul is the songs nature produces.

When I am out and about, I see so many people who are out in nature, but not really experiencing it.  Ear buds plug out the beautiful sounds of birds singing, leaves rustling, and water trickling.  When I am on the trails roller blading, skiing, walking, all without ear buds, I appreciate all the sounds nature has to offer. I listen and I hear.  A part of me feels sad for those unfortunate folks who could be hearing the most beautiful music ever.

Waking up in the early morning to the sounds of birds happily chirping away is my favorite alarm clock.  It brings an instant smile to my face no matter how early they awaken me. 

Even the quiet stillness winter brings is magical.  A blanket of freshly fallen snow produces a silent sound unlike any other.  The sound of peace. 

I breathe it all in and peace overcomes me as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Soul Sister,
    You nailed it. Why on earth do people go outside to listen to the same music they have heard 1,000 times? And then they don't listen to the ever changing outside live symphony. I don't think I have been listening closely enough lately, thanks for the reminder!
