Sunday, September 4, 2011

What I did for Week 2 of My Vacation/Staycation

I am now officially beyond the halfway point on my vacation.  Less than a week left and I have to return to work.  The only bad thing about being on vacation is that it makes it that much more difficult to return.  Well, here is a list of my second week of vacation activities:

  1. I called 911.  Yup, on my neighbors who were having a domestic dispute.  However, the real motive for the call was to phone up my friend who could give me the play-by-play from her 5-0 radio (police calls).  It was pretty uneventful.....
  2. I officially entered the 21st century.  Though I am still getting used to my new do, I am growing fonder of it by the day.
  3. I got big girl underwear.  Or rather, as it was clarified to me, I got teenager underwear.  I had been wearing "Old Lady Undies" AKA Hanes Her Way (though the bikini style if you must know), but now I am wearing novelty panties which I LOVE!  What is better than having a pair of panties with a ruffle or cute saying on the butt?  I tell ya, I love my new undies.  Probably the best thing I did on my vacation sad as that may be ;)
  4. I played some Super Mario World.  I get into those games, sweat, and get pretty worked up.  Its so fun!
  5. I rode my bike.  I haven't been on my bicycle for many many years, but a nice 10 minute bike ride might just awaken that desire.
  6. I have been brushing my teeth with a new SoniCare toothbrush.  Fun and so clean.
  7. I stepped out of my comfort zone hard core and went out on the town with the ladies for a bachelorette party.  Good times in a Hummer Limo, more drinks than I have had in years, and belly laughs galore!
  8. I painted my nails!
  9. I went on a spending splurge and bought new clothes and a few accessories.
  10. Not once did I inquire how work was going, though information was offered to me unsolicited. 
  11. Went to the movie "The Help" which was an excellent and powerful film.  It takes a lot to make me cry in a movie, and this one started the waterworks on more than one occasion, but then it pushed the funny button and had me laughing.
  12. Helped out a friend a few different times while she struggled with some family health issues.
  13. Spent the day at the beach!  One of my main goals was to spend the day at the beach.  Too bad the water was too frigid to actually go in for too long.  In fact, I could only go in while "high stepping" (running quickly with high knees).  And even then, my calves and feet began to get numb.
  14. Continued to obsess over Words With Friends.
And that pretty much wraps up my second week of vacation.  I wouldn't want to have spent it any other way!

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