Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Oldest Brother

John, eight years my senior, taught me all I needed to know when growing up with three older brothers.  He taught me how to make the motorcycle and car noises with my mouth.  He taught me what a hattrick was while playing floor hockey in our basement.  (I think he enjoyed smacking me with the ball more than making a goal.)  Most importantly, he taught me all the names of the members from the band KISS.  He loved, and still does love, music.  He thought it was pretty cool that I could name all the KISS members from his poster hanging up in his room. 

He also taught me the correct usage for the term "Choice".  When I landed in the hospital for an over night stay due to walking pneumonia, my mom and aunt brought me a stuffed Cookie Monster.  Upon seeing it, I exclaimed, "Choice!"  Apparently all the nurses thought that was the cutest thing out of a one year old's mouth. 

Looks like I have two peacocks coming out of my head :)~
John is known to be rude, crude, and not very politically correct.  However, he has a deep respect for his immediate family so much so that he doesn't even smoke in front of his parents to this day.  He sees it as a sign of disrespect.  Out of all the brothers, I talk with John on the phone most often.  He calls me for advice on raising his daughter, he calls to hear about family gossip, and he always always makes the annual Christmas call for advice on what he should get as gifts for our parents.

My mom tells me I am pouting in this picture because I was not allowed cake until after the photo was taken. 
John has ebbed in and out from being favorite brother to being least favorite brother.  Now, all my brothers are "my favorite" each for their unique individual qualities they bring to my family.

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