Monday, April 26, 2010

Chatting in the Girl's Room

Today at work I entered the ladies Room to do my business. As I am doing my business in my stall, I hear a voice from the other stall:

Voice: "K, is that you?"

Me: "Uh, yeah."

The voice proceeds to ask me questions about the day as we are both peeing. (With close friends I happen to call that circumstance "Dueling Vaginas". I almost always win because I have a small bladder.) But this voice was not that of a close friend. This voice belonged to my boss.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind having a casual conversation with a friend or a shopping partner or whatever, but in general, I prefer to have silence while I do my bathroom duties. Its just awkward to be chatting about the weather as I am wiping myself. And for this person to be my boss was just wrong. To make it even stranger, she finished her business before me and left the bathroom so we had this whole conversation without even seeing each other. Bizarre.

So, for those of you who are reading this, feel free to strike up a conversation when I happen to be dueling my vagina against yours. (Technically maybe its the urethra.)


  1. Haha, which boss? C, M or S? Lol awesome. I have no problems talking and peeing- it's when I gotta drop that dookie when things get weird.

  2. It was S which is why it was awkward.
