Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I Have a Timmy on my Back

As a person ages, mysterious apparitions appear on various bodily parts. Unsightly age spots, moles, bumps just to name a few. Tonight as I am soaking in my new jetted bathtub that could give me an enema if I was positioned just right, I notice a cyst of sorts. Actually I have noticed it in the past, but always thought it was an ingrown pimple or bug bite. Tonight it occurred to me that I have a Timmy on my back.

Timmy is the mysterious name that my mother gave to her fatty mass on the back of her shoulder. It is this benign, ugly, fatty lump that just sits there. Her lump is quite large and a person could cup their whole hand around her lump if they were so inclined.

Timmy's little brother took up residence on my back. Right in the smack dab middle of my back on my spine. Thankfully he is just a little guy, and I am hoping he doesn't grow up to be a big boy.

Now all you alarmists out there reading this, don't go crazy and start telling me it is some cancerous growth. It is quite simply a benign cyst. An ugly one at that. And his name is Timmy.

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