Thursday, September 16, 2010

In a World of Chuckies

Growing up, I loved dolls. Once I grew up, I continued to love dolls and even had my own porcelain doll collection. Nearly thirty porcelain dolls watched me sleep in my bedroom when I was in young adulthood. Each had their own name and I had assigned each with their own personality. Never were any of those dolls "creepy".

This weekend I have a Birthday party to attend for a 2 year old girl who loves baby dolls so I went shopping for the perfect doll for her. They all creeped me out! I couldn't bring myself to purchase any of the dolls, animated or otherwise. Their staring eyeballs. Their startling movements. Their robotic "voices". CREEPY I tell you. Creepy.

Now I realize why my niece hid a doll that was given to her for Christmas in her closet. This doll could "hear". It moved its head towards the sound of your voice. If you spoke to the left of the doll, she would move her head towards the left. Same as the right. It freaked my niece out so she hid it in the depths of her closet. I understand that now. Dolls are freaky.

Anybody want any porcelain dolls?

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