Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday

Today is the one year anniversary of the birth of my blog!  Not only that, but I also achieved my centennial post on my first blog Birthday.  I tried so hard to achieve that, and sorry for the super cheesy posts, but I had a goal in mind.  When I get my mind set on something, there is no stopping me. 

Anyway, When I first took the Maiden Voyage (exactly one year the minute) of writing my very first blog entry, I did not have high hopes that I would keep up with it like I have.  What on Earth do I have to write about?  As it turns out, I have life to write about, and what a good, fulfilling life it is!

This adventure has been fun!  I'll admit that there are times when I wonder, for days or even weeks, what in the world I am going to write about next.  Before too long, though, the next blog entry hits me.  It may not be full of wisdom, or funny kid stories, or advice for those looking (or not looking) for it, but its mine.  All mine.  Through my entries, I have found within myself a bit of humor, a bit of insight, and a world of appreciation. 

It is fun to look back on some of my older entries and think, "oh yeah, that happened", or "wow, that was some really good writing", or just reflect on some emotion I was trying to elicit.  Its also fun to take a peak at my stats, and see literally where in the world my blog has been. 

I keep it private from most of my friends and definitely from my family, but once in a while I have an urge to share.  If I did open it up to a larger audience, I'm afraid it will lose some of what it has.  Like I would have to censor somehow.  So, it remains largely anonymous.  That being said, my blogger dream is to have some random person, a stranger from a strange land, comment on one of my entries.  Better yet, for one to follow me!  Maybe in year number two.  And perhaps, I will get a little braver and share with those closer to me in its second year of life.

Happy Birthday, Blog, Happy Birthday!  And Happy 100th Post!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I missed this post somehow!?! Did it show up after the Adam post, but is somehow before it? Weird?

    Anyhoo, HAPPY 100!!!!
