Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Maiden Voyage

Why a blog? I have no idea. Never did I ever think that I would be posting a blog in cyberspace being the private person that I am. Who is going to want to read what I have to say? My life is rather routine and insignificant at best. Leading such a simple and monotonous life, what would I even make as the subject of each blog entry? Initially, I wanted this to be about those moments each day for which I am thankful; and likely that will be the main focus. However, I am hoping it turns out to be more than just that, and takes me somewhere surprising and new. Writing does not come effortless for me, but I am excited to begin my journey into blogdom.

For starters, let me start by sharing one major thing for which I am thankful.
My health. My family's health. My friends' health. Nothing is more important to me than that, and I honestly give thanks each and everyday for those blessings. Never have I been more aware of my good fortune than after hearing about a close friend of mine whose mom just found out she has lung cancer. It gives me reason to pause and count my blessings. It also makes me question "why me"? Or maybe "why not me"? Why have I been so incredibly fortunate? Not that I am complaining, mind you! Keep that good mojo coming and maybe spread it around a little.