Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It Occured to Me....

I woke today with a massive headache, swallowed some Ibuprofen and took a warm bath. Afterwards, I felt a wee bit nauseous and laid down in bed for another hour and this thought occurs to me. What if I die? I wasn't in that much pain or anything, but it was just a random thought. Being I live alone, I worry that there could come a time when I just suddenly kick the bucket and lay rotting in my house for days or even weeks.

Who would know that I was dead as a door nail in my house (what IS a door nail anyway)? The only REAL sign would be when I don't show up for my scheduled work shift for maybe the second time. Then somebody might get concerned and try knocking on my door or calling my family members.
So here are some clues that I may just be a rotting pile of flesh in my house.
1. I don't answer OR RETURN phone calls. Its pretty safe to say that after 3 days, if I don't return a phone call, there could be a grim reaper present.
2. Absence on FacebookI check my facebook daily even when I am working doubles so I should have some activity definitely within 3 days.
3. Strong Odor around my house.I'm pretty good at keeping the litter boxes pretty clean so any odor that is emitting from my little house, is probably a decaying body. You have my permission to kick the door in.
4. Hungry Cats.If when you kick in the door, the cats look emaciated and are very hungry, I'm probably dead. On second thought, I have heard it said that a starving cat will eat their dead owners. They may not be starving, but they will certainly be sad...and probably feel guilty.
5. No call/No show. When I don't call into work,don't show for a shift, AND you can't get a hold of me, is the definite sign that I am dead.

So if any of the above ever happens, come check on me.

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