Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rainy Days

I love rainy days. I really do. Not that I would like it to rain everyday, because that would be just wrong. It is on those rainy days that I get stuff accomplished, or as a good friend would say, "get shit did". Clean house, socialize, or just slooooow down. Not that I am living life in the fast lane by any means. Most would say I have a pretty slow life on what I classify as a "busy day".

On those sunny days, or even mediocre nice days, I am out and about. Being outdoors is my priority so everything else takes a back seat. There are those die-hards out there who don't let the weather get in their way, but not me. I take inclement weather as a sign...or maybe just an excuse. Either way, I embrace those days.

Already today I have scrubbed my 30 gallon fish tank and rid it of fuzzy growing algae. And I did laundry. It has yet to be folded, but it is clean. I might just muster up enough guspah to go grocery shopping; THE single most hated chore of being a grown up.

Later when I am having a lunch date with a friend, I will not be distracted wishing I was outside instead. I will be in the moment and enjoy the company. Today, I give thanks for the rain (especially because it could just as easily be snow).

1 comment:

  1. I hear yah brother. No guilts for being lazy!! Also, what an excuse to sit and play with your new found obsession all day! Yay to crap weather!
